Monday, August 13, 2007

Turd Blossom Leaving White House

News broke this morning that long time Bush adviser Karl Rove is heading for the doors. Of course, they say it is because he wants to spent time with his family. But, we know better, right?

Perhaps the Democrats in Congress, John Conyers and Pat Leahy, in particular, have sent a clear enough message to the White House that they intend to get to the bottom of the ethics scandal that the Administration is surrounded by. Undoubtedly, all roads lead to Rove.

I'll be asking some of my legal expert friends, but I'm hoping this will make it a little easier to haul his butt before Congress and answer questions about things like the US Attorney firings, false intelligence leading up to the Iraq war, political briefings to political appointees, ignoring science while promoting politics, and pretty much how and why he helped to engineer the hijacking of our government and Constitution. But, I'm sure he'll find a way out of having to testify because so far, Conyers and Leahy have been unwilling to use their authority to hold these folks accountable. But, we can hope!

But, I have to say, this is pretty good news to wake up to on a Monday morning!

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