Monday, March 5, 2007

Headed to Europe!

Howdy! I just wanted to let yall know that I'm headed to Europe. I'll be visiting with a friend in Copenhagen who used to work at the Danish Embassy in Washington. Then, I'm off to Stockholm to visit a very good friend of mine who is a Swedish Member of Parliament (and the new Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden) for her 50th birthday bash.

Along the way, I'm going to talk to as many folks as I can about their views of American politics. I'll make posts about it as often as I can. I'll have some particularly interesting things to write about once I get to Sweden. There, I've got some lunches and dinners set up with some of the brightest politics minds in the country.

I'm very excited about this trip and hope you'll come back to check out what I learn.

The first interesting this I found is here at Dulles International Airport. They actually have Fox News stores in the terminal. Interestingly, they sell these little stuffed bears that advocate Hillary Clinton for President in 2008. No other candidates have bears, including Republicans! Hmmm....has Fox News seen the light? I doubt it, but it's interesting nonetheless.

My flight leaves shortly. Hope you're having a great day!


Swede in SF said...

Have fun with, Mona. :D But she isn't elected yet... But, on the other hand, there is no competition for her.

And give both CPH and Stockholm (my hometown) my best!

Anonymous said...

Late in life I have come on fern.Now lichens yutrew88 are due to have their turn.
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